Naming names

Naming names

Charlie Laidlaw is an author and tutor at Creating Writers Some authors will say that the names of their characters matter.  Others will say that it doesn’t matter. Nevertheless, most authors spend a great deal of time thinking up names for their characters.  It’s a...
Finding a voice

Finding a voice

Charlie Laidlaw is an author and tutor at Creating Writers A trick you have to master, based on the books you enjoy, the genres you read, your creative ideas, and the X-Factor of inspiration, is to find your “voice.” In a literary context, “voice” seems an...
Building character

Building character

Charlie Laidlaw is an author and tutor at Creating Writers Two main elements in a book are plot and character.  Both are vitally important.. Your book must be populated by characters that seem real.  Okay, they may be ghosts, zombies or aliens, but they have to be...